High School Staff Directory
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  • Department

Katie Arends, Athletic & Principal Secretary

Arends, Katie

Ruth Barrios, Special Education Administrative Services Secretary

Barrios, Ruth

Cash, Julie

Chao, Ada

Chinchen, Jason

Kayla Cook, Registrar / Counseling Secretary

Cook, Kayla

Davis, Darcy

Heidi Dixon, Teacher

Dixon, Heidi

Angela Fricilone, School Psychologist

Fricilone, Angela

Gayley, Carolyn

Givot, Rima

Golka, Kayla

Greaney, Gail

Kristy Gulick, Nutrition Services Specialist (SHS)

Gulick, Kristy

Gunnarson, Bethany

Lee Henry, Teacher

Henry, Lee

Shaun Herman, Custodian

Herman, Shaun

Herron, Glen

Hilgers, Brittney

Hilgers, Mathew